Friday, September 14, 2007

week nine; thing 22: downloadable audio books

This is going to change copyright laws and their meaning.

It's true, you can download audio books, music, and videos. Some digital libraries require that you have the license to do so, others do not. On netlibrary you can create an account (free) and access the materials online, download to your computer, and open it through windows media player. There is a license number required to open the audio book on your media player, which you obtain when you register with netlibrary, but other than that, the audio book is yours for the listening. You have 3 weeks with the license number. In that time, you can burn a CD or put it on a portable device, but not an ipod (bummer!)

I liked overdrive better than netlibrary, because you can put the material on your ipod.


Anonymous said...


Its seem I am very lucky to download free audio books and also to collect some audio books at reduced price. I came across

and downloaded lot of books and also buy lot of books. Until now I have not come across any difficulties but thanx for giving this information. Your info is going to helps me a lot.

Anonymous said...

I found lots of audio books I would like to download! I'm gonna to soon as I figure out how. Loved this exercise!

There is good news for audio book lovers. Being an audio book fan I come across a literary sensation book Possession which won the Booker prize. This is an exhilarating novel of wit and romance. Get your copy at ”Audio Books”.