Friday, September 14, 2007

sunny face

week nine; thing 23: summary

This was a very worthwhile learning experience. I enjoyed my discoveries, particularly flickr, youtube, and online image generators.

In my opinion, the "discoveries" took more time than I expected. It probably varies from person to person, depending on their nature. I like to explore things, and so I went down many side-tracks along the way...some more time-consuming than others. Which accounts for why I did not get my name in the drawing for the ipod!

So, yes... I am definitely going to do something like this again...this time, my goal is to finish with the group and get my name in the ipod drawing.

(this is the sentence you can use for promotions:)
23things is a very rewarding and positive learning experience.

week nine; thing 22: downloadable audio books

This is going to change copyright laws and their meaning.

It's true, you can download audio books, music, and videos. Some digital libraries require that you have the license to do so, others do not. On netlibrary you can create an account (free) and access the materials online, download to your computer, and open it through windows media player. There is a license number required to open the audio book on your media player, which you obtain when you register with netlibrary, but other than that, the audio book is yours for the listening. You have 3 weeks with the license number. In that time, you can burn a CD or put it on a portable device, but not an ipod (bummer!)

I liked overdrive better than netlibrary, because you can put the material on your ipod.