Friday, August 17, 2007

week six; thing 15: web 2.0, library 2.0, and us

What does Libaray 2.0 mean to me? OK, this is a set-up. Library 2.0 either has meaning, apart from my understanding of it, or it has no meaning, or worse, (and this is what I fear and dread,) it has an evolving meaning depending on what people think and say about it. Hence, the set-up. Which is it?

I've never actually heard anyone speak about Library 2.0 in a conversation, in an actual live conversation that takes place in a particular place at a particular time with people you can touch. So, tonight, at the dinner table, I threw out the question:

"What is Library 2.0?" Blank faces stared back at me...five of them; four youthful, vibrant, computer-savvy faces and one tired, older-wiser face.

"How about Business 2.0 or Web 2.0, have you ever heard of those?"

No. Never heard of that. After a long pause, someone braved the question, "Isn't it some kind of computer software?"

To be honest, I think the name is all wrong. It does sound like computer software. You could buy it, install it and run it on your computer, and then I wouldn't have to define it!

Wikipedia says Library 2.0 is "a loosely defined model for blah, blah, blah..." ( Loosely defined model? What is that?!!

So I did some research: I googled it.

I read some perspectives on the 2.0 concept. First I read about Business 2.0 and Chris Anderson's long tail meem. (see Chris Anderson talks about a new economic day, in which the niche rules instead of the popular, due to the advent of the internet and the new consumer-driven power to buy in a new, diversified fashion. Then I read about Web 2.0 (websites that rely on user comments to be successful.) Lastly, I read all five suggested readings about Library 2.0. I read the discussions too. Bottom line: I wish it were a computer program!

And here is the point of this's not really a monologue is it? But it feels that way--- sometimes. Other times it feels freaky. Freaky because I am writing and posting and who-knows-who is reading my thoughts. It wouldn't be so freaky if I weren't really writing my thoughts...if I were just writing fiction, or something, but I'm not. I digress. Back to Library 2.0 and what it means to me.

Basically, Library 2.0 means that instead of information collection and distribution being directed from librarians to the people of the community, in a one directional way, now information collection and distribution is a two-way street, where librarians and patrons interact on the same level platform.

But that's not what it means to me. That is the definition I coughed up as a summary of what I have read online. That's what I think everyone else means when they write about it.

So what does Library 2.0 mean to me? OK, here goes! It is a type of software program after all, but it operates inside a person, in their way of thinking, not in a computer. A computer scientist once told me: The computer is a tool. It does not think. It is only as useful as the person makes it. Library 2.0 is about people using the computer with Web 2.0 technology to converse and collaborate with other people in the pursuit of knowledge.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

week six; thing 14: technorati and such

Technorati Profile
Virginia is for lovers and technorati is for bloggers. This is how you will know you are an all agog blogger: You need and ogle, have-to-have and rave about...technorati. It's just what it sounds like: the description of a person going neurotic over blog-tagging a word..."tech-neuroti."