Friday, June 15, 2007

week two; thing 3: set up your own blog

Well, this was alot, I mean alot of fun. My new nickname at work is "blogger." My boss is a little concerned, for good reason. Because I blog now! (And sometimes I work the circulation desk at the same time!) I have set up and deleted 5 blogs already...that was my initial discovery phase. I have settled on this one, because I like it the best, (so far. ) What I really like about blogging is the possibilities for editing and changing and rearranging and even starting all over again without too much ado! In addition to creating and deleting blogs, I spent a whole day (intermittently, that is) reading other blogs. I read blogs on blogger that have nothing to do with anything; it was like reading strangers' diaries! And I read all the blogs listed under 23 things particpants... and discovered I have companions on my journey as virtual student through cyber-learning lab.

week one; thing 2: pointers from lifelong learners

I thought the podcast about how to be a lifelong learner was a little insulting because 1.)the assumption was some people are committed to learning and other people, (not lifelong learners) are not. And I just don't see it that way. To be a human is to be a learner. The brain learns all the time. You cannot not learn. 2.) The language used to explain 71/2 habits of learners was exceedingly elementary in it's vocabulary choice and style. In the end, (that makes this the third of my three points) 3.) I thought "If I don't have any habits by now that help me get my goals met, and I'm not interested in trying anything new, I wouldn't be here, all signed up and ready to roll! So, pretty much, it was what I call "preaching to the choir."

Thursday, June 14, 2007

week one; thing 1: about 23 things

I discovered that there are more people doing this program than I had imagined. That makes it very interesting because we are connected by the computer and have a virtual relationship with each other that does not include the normal restrictions of time and place. So, the whole concept of online learning and sharing ideas with people who are unseen, yet real, is fascinating to me because it is new and the possibility for discovery and learning is large.