Friday, June 15, 2007

week one; thing 2: pointers from lifelong learners

I thought the podcast about how to be a lifelong learner was a little insulting because 1.)the assumption was some people are committed to learning and other people, (not lifelong learners) are not. And I just don't see it that way. To be a human is to be a learner. The brain learns all the time. You cannot not learn. 2.) The language used to explain 71/2 habits of learners was exceedingly elementary in it's vocabulary choice and style. In the end, (that makes this the third of my three points) 3.) I thought "If I don't have any habits by now that help me get my goals met, and I'm not interested in trying anything new, I wouldn't be here, all signed up and ready to roll! So, pretty much, it was what I call "preaching to the choir."

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